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Category: Mobiles Made Easy

Mobiles Made Easy – The Perfect Solution For Independent Living

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For many people, Christmas is one of the few times a year when we can truly unwind, relax and spend quality time with our family. However, in some cases, taking a step back and relaxing may lead us to notice things about our ageing relatives that are not usually so obvious. It may only be when you take the time to get away from a hectic work schedule and the everyday hustle and bustle that it becomes clear to you that a parent, grandparent or other ageing family member or friend is struggling to manage certain tasks.

Understandably, if you do notice that a relative is having trouble performing certain jobs or tasks, you will be concerned and want to seek some kind of help.

The solution to your needs can come in many forms. Often one of the best places to find out what help is available is a local charity. Charitable organisations can provide a number of services for those in need, from simply visiting and providing some company for lonely older people, to providing 24 hour support, to many things in between.

Simple smart phones are a service that helps individuals to continue to live independently in the way that they would wish to, by means of a range of specially designed products and technology. The purpose of them is to promote independent living, peace of mind, confidence and security not only for individuals in need of special care, but also their relatives or close friends and carers.

Deskphones and alarms – If you are worried about a loved one not being able to reach the phone to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency, a deskphone connected to an emergency button on a remote alarm which can be worn round the wrist could be just the answer. By pressing this button, a text message is automatically sent to you, a close neighbour or a carer to alert them of any accident or emergency. The deskphone can also be linked to an alarm kit, featuring a wireless smoke and fire detector. In the case that a fire or smoke sensor is activated, as well as raising an alarm inside the property, the deskphone will also call registered contacts to alert them, whether that be you, a neighbour or carer.

Thermotxt and Envirotxt –Envirotxt helps to avoid situations where loved ones are sitting in the cold – or in a room that is too hot. The envirotxt monitors the room temperature and sends an alert should there be a concern based upon a pre-set range of acceptable temperatures. The Thermotxt works similarly but in addition to sending an alarm should a power outage occur, the system can also turn a heat source on or off should the temperature be outside of pre-set limits.

Lifeguard – This is an all-in-one alarm control panel that combines a medical alarm, burglar alarm, fire and gas leakage alarm, as well as being a remote monitor, the panic button acts as a remote control enabling users to accept and have hands-free calls. Whilst this product covers a lot of important functions, it is designed to be simple and easy to use.

Specialist mobile phone devices – for one reason or another many people struggle to use modern mobile phones. This can mean they lose contact with family or friends and sometimes fail to alert you or the correct authorities should there be an emergency. Specialist mobile devices are designed to work as a normal touchscreen mobile phone, but complete with big buttons and an SOS emergency button. More advanced models can also determine the exact location of an emergency call, so help can arrive without any delay. These phones are not just for raising alarm – but can also send and receive photos from family or just to keep in touch by with a call; the mobile phone can be a great source of comfort and security.

How Charities Can Ease the NHS Burden with Telecare Products Such as MME

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The strain on the NHS and health services is becoming increasingly apparent. Services within the health and social care sectors are demanding more personalisation – which means new skills and relationship building and in some cases a complete rethink of the organisation’s delivery model. So how can social enterprises and charities help support and in some cases replace the delivery of these services?

Charities and social enterprises have a long history of influencing and supporting the delivery of health and social care. Their holistic view of an individual’s needs means that they can signpost to other areas of support within the community that will enrich the life of the individual rather than simply delivering a singular service with a single aim in mind. This isn’t just true of older people who require help to live independently but anybody who may need some extra support; for instance individuals with learning difficulties who need extra support to enable them to live alone for the first time.

The holistic approach that charitable organisations take not only puts individuals in contact with relevant support groups and grants but also overcomes the issue of isolation in the community.

Mobiles Made Easy offer an assistive technology solution that makes use of the cloud infrastructure and mobile devices to enable people to maintain contact with and support their ageing relatives from a distance. Telecare systems are available from a wide number of people, however what makes us unique is the relationship with the charity sector; ensuring that individuals needs are considered from every aspect. As well as promoting independent living for older or disabled people, We ease the pressures faced by those individuals who are struggling to care for ageing parents at the same time as raising their own children; known as the sandwich generation.

As we move towards the era of patient-centred services, social enterprises and charities may be called upon further. They already do so much to support key organisations and deliver social value but charities and social enterprises may have an even bigger role to play – as natural partners to the NHS and future shapers of the care industry.

‘The Sandwich Generation’ – How Assistive Technology Will Help

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With people now living longer and more women having children at a later stage in their life, an increasing number of middle aged people are caring for their ageing parents at the same time as raising and supporting their own children.

As they are effectively ‘sandwiched’ between their duty to support their own children, who need emotional, physical and financial support, and their obligation to care for their ageing parents, who may be unwell, or unable to perform various tasks or look after themselves properly, this generation of middle-aged parents are often known as the ‘sandwich generation’. Due to longer life-spans and people starting families later, this generation is growing, with around a fifth of 45-60 year-olds actively supporting their parents whilst their children are still at home.

In many cases, individuals of the sandwich generation also have a career to focus on. This combined with their own personal issues, caring for their parents and children can understandably put them under a considerable amount of stress. Often, caregivers don’t have a sufficient amount of time to be able to look after themselves properly.

So what help can be given to the sandwich generation?

A lot of people feel a constant sense of worry about their elderly parent’s well being when they are not with them, often combined with fears that they aren’t spending enough time fulfilling the needs of their children. For members of the sandwich generation, the phone ringing can fill them with a sense of dread of what may be on the other end of the line.

An initiative that is designed to take some of the strain away from the sandwich generation is the MME App. This is an assistive technology that uses a cloud infrastructure and mobile devices to allow people to be able to maintain contact with and support their ageing relatives even from a distance. By giving them reassurance that all is well with their parents or other relatives, MME allows people of the sandwich generation to achieve a balance in all the different elements in their lives.

How does the MME App work?

MME uses GSM mobile compatible products to communicate with an online cloud-based database. This allows telecare products to be interconnected and information to be transferred to the right individuals and authorities immediately. MMe allows both relatives of people who need additional support, as well as healthcare professionals to be in subliminal contact with those that they care for, even from a distance.

As well as promoting the ideal of elderly or disabled people to continue living independently, MME helps to ease the pressures faced on a daily basis by the sandwich generation.  Please contact us if you would like more information on this initiative.

Charities are the Key to Engaging Technology with those that need it most

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The healthcare industry is heading towards a digital revolution, not quite at the speed that some other technology-embracing sectors may be, but none the less the future of health care is definitely a digital one. The future is in no doubt, what we could question however is who is going to make sure that this technology is utilised by the individuals that need it most – who will drive engagement that moves beyond the commercials to the social benefit of usage?

The Evidence

Consider the web-based services that give people easy and quick access to health advice and support, the devices that enable people to monitor health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension at home, or the fact that you can now make appointments with your GP online, even hold a consultation via video conference.  You only have to scratch the surface to see the impact digital technology is having on the healthcare industry already.

The Challenge

With more and more digital integration there comes a series of challenges – how to ensure these are not just pockets of innovation but change in the industry as a whole, how to put the user in control and ensure the technology is fit for purpose, and how to get these digital solutions to the people who need them the most?

The Solution

One of the more obvious mediums for delivery is the charity sector.  Well placed with their community contacts to identify those sections of the population that will benefit most from digital health solutions. Charities can help to ensure that assistive solutions are part of a holistic approach – integrating all of the resources available to a person, to build a package suitable for the individual. This holistic approach will be critical in the process of balancing practical needs of an individual with their social and emotional needs. Charities are often organisations that evoke the greatest sense of trust and this is essential  to instil confidence in first time technology users, therefore charities should play a significant role in the roll out of digital healthcare.

Projects such as the Mobiles Made Easy initiative, provide the perfect example of delivering a digital solution to the members of society that will benefit from it most.  MME enables individuals to continue living in the way that they wish, providing their families and carers with the peace of mind that their loved ones are safe.  Making use of the cloud infrastructure and mobile devices, it will allow people to stay in contact with and monitor their elderly or  vulnerable relatives, even from a great distance.

It ticks the boxes in terms of putting the user in control as it not only delivers peace of mind to families but gives those elderly or vulnerable individuals more freedom and independence.  Without the technology they may be facing a future of permanent, long term residential care.

The Future

The digital healthcare revolution will also ease the burden on an over-stretched healthcare industry, by implementing virtual solutions that enable one person to monitor more than one patient at once, or handing back more care responsibilities to the patient’s relatives or friends.

None of us know what the future may bring but with the support of charities and community initiatives, the fantastic digital products and services that are being developed can be deployed on a larger scale.


How Unusual Assistive Technology Is Shaping Our Future

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There is no denying that our lives are impacted by the technology around us.  Even if you are not interested in the latest gadgets, the fact that technology is advancing continually at an ever-increasing pace means none of us can escape its influence forever.

Technology is doing things now that we could never have imagined a few years ago.  Take for example the Google Glass.

Who would have thought you could wear a computer like a pair of glasses and communicate with it using voice commands?  Now with Google Glass you can make calls, take photos, listen to music and surf the net, all hands free – which enables people to multitask and delivers huge benefits to those with impairments.

And what about GPS or Bluetooth enabled insoles?  These clever products feature embedded tracking chips that send signals to a monitoring website enabling people to keep track of their vulnerable loved ones such as those suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia or children with autism.

These examples of Assistive technology show how the development of gadgetry is being used to help people in their everyday lives and deliver a better experience for those with disabilities or vulnerabilities.

It shows the wider role that technology has to play in shaping the future of the care industry, for instance.

Whether this is a long term solution for individuals who need additional care or a shorter term answer for people who want to gain their independence but need some back up whilst they start out.

Mobiles Made Easy is one example of an assistive technology project that will deliver better care for those in need  by enabling them to stay in their own homes for longer and lead more independent lives. This initiative enables individuals to continue living in the way that they wish and provides their families and carers with the peace of mind that their loved ones are safe. Through use of the cloud infrastructure and mobile devices, individuals can maintain contact and support their relatives even from great distances.

Using technology to assist an ageing population not only brings peace of mind to families but it eases the burden on the care profession.

These are just a few examples of the unusual ways in which technology is shaping our lives.  Who knows where it will take us in the future, but it promises to be a brighter one.

Why should technology just be focused on the young?

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There is yet another big product launch in the gaming industry with the release of the next big gaming console. And whilst this is exciting news for some, we have been reflecting on the feeling that all this technology – which is great – is being focused on developing entertainment for the younger generation. What about the rest of us?

If you are lucky enough to fall in the over 50’s bracket then you grew up in the same era as some of the technology greats –

• Tim Berners Lee (58) invented the world wide web
• Bill Gates (58) of Microsoft fame
• Martin Cooper (84) invented mobile phones

These industry leaders have certainly changed the shape of the world in which we live in. But the technology they invented does not need to only meet the growing demands of modern lives for the younger generation. These days we are used to information on the go, gaming across continents, accessing emails anywhere- it is now affordable to the majority – it is almost an expectation rather than a luxury. However, let’s not forget the generation that invented it – yes they can use the technology in same way as the younger generation – but what additional products and services could be valuable?

Organisations are working to introduce affordable technologies to older people, giving access to solutions that allow them to live independent lives, with a comforting support system that brings families and carers to the individual when needed. The technology invented by their generation being used to support them with an infrastructure of cloud based technologies that are operated within the home in the same way as a mobile phone. A base console integrates different products to provide a comprehensive solution tailored to the individual’s needs.

Mobiles Made Easy is aiming to do just this. It is focused on delivering a comprehensive solution that meets not only the users’ needs but also the needs of the family and support network around the individual. So an easy to use system for the individual that integrates seamlessly into their everyday life, that acts as a comfort rather than a surveillance system. For their support network it gives a solution to the concern of not being to be able to support their loved ones as much as they would like. With an alert system everyday life can resume safe in the knowledge their loved ones are not in difficulties. The next time they call, panic need not be the first response; they can just be calling to say ’hello’.

The face of Mobiles Made Easy is still being shaped. You can help us by taking our survey. We would value your opinions.