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Archives: November 2014

How Charities Can Ease the NHS Burden with Telecare Products Such as MME

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The strain on the NHS and health services is becoming increasingly apparent. Services within the health and social care sectors are demanding more personalisation – which means new skills and relationship building and in some cases a complete rethink of the organisation’s delivery model. So how can social enterprises and charities help support and in some cases replace the delivery of these services?

Charities and social enterprises have a long history of influencing and supporting the delivery of health and social care. Their holistic view of an individual’s needs means that they can signpost to other areas of support within the community that will enrich the life of the individual rather than simply delivering a singular service with a single aim in mind. This isn’t just true of older people who require help to live independently but anybody who may need some extra support; for instance individuals with learning difficulties who need extra support to enable them to live alone for the first time.

The holistic approach that charitable organisations take not only puts individuals in contact with relevant support groups and grants but also overcomes the issue of isolation in the community.

Mobiles Made Easy offer an assistive technology solution that makes use of the cloud infrastructure and mobile devices to enable people to maintain contact with and support their ageing relatives from a distance. Telecare systems are available from a wide number of people, however what makes us unique is the relationship with the charity sector; ensuring that individuals needs are considered from every aspect. As well as promoting independent living for older or disabled people, We ease the pressures faced by those individuals who are struggling to care for ageing parents at the same time as raising their own children; known as the sandwich generation.

As we move towards the era of patient-centred services, social enterprises and charities may be called upon further. They already do so much to support key organisations and deliver social value but charities and social enterprises may have an even bigger role to play – as natural partners to the NHS and future shapers of the care industry.