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Archives: December 2013

Why should technology just be focused on the young?

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There is yet another big product launch in the gaming industry with the release of the next big gaming console. And whilst this is exciting news for some, we have been reflecting on the feeling that all this technology – which is great – is being focused on developing entertainment for the younger generation. What about the rest of us?

If you are lucky enough to fall in the over 50’s bracket then you grew up in the same era as some of the technology greats –

• Tim Berners Lee (58) invented the world wide web
• Bill Gates (58) of Microsoft fame
• Martin Cooper (84) invented mobile phones

These industry leaders have certainly changed the shape of the world in which we live in. But the technology they invented does not need to only meet the growing demands of modern lives for the younger generation. These days we are used to information on the go, gaming across continents, accessing emails anywhere- it is now affordable to the majority – it is almost an expectation rather than a luxury. However, let’s not forget the generation that invented it – yes they can use the technology in same way as the younger generation – but what additional products and services could be valuable?

Organisations are working to introduce affordable technologies to older people, giving access to solutions that allow them to live independent lives, with a comforting support system that brings families and carers to the individual when needed. The technology invented by their generation being used to support them with an infrastructure of cloud based technologies that are operated within the home in the same way as a mobile phone. A base console integrates different products to provide a comprehensive solution tailored to the individual’s needs.

Mobiles Made Easy is aiming to do just this. It is focused on delivering a comprehensive solution that meets not only the users’ needs but also the needs of the family and support network around the individual. So an easy to use system for the individual that integrates seamlessly into their everyday life, that acts as a comfort rather than a surveillance system. For their support network it gives a solution to the concern of not being to be able to support their loved ones as much as they would like. With an alert system everyday life can resume safe in the knowledge their loved ones are not in difficulties. The next time they call, panic need not be the first response; they can just be calling to say ’hello’.

The face of Mobiles Made Easy is still being shaped. You can help us by taking our survey. We would value your opinions.